Are you a health care provider?

Stockholm Hernia Center is a private clinic. We have extensive experience of surgery in both public and private care. We accept referrals for ASA 1-2 patients. Our waiting times for both first evaluation and surgery are short. We have been contracted by the Uppsala Region regarding pediatric urological operations.

We use Take Care and Webdoc for electronic referrals, but also welcome paper referrals.

Do you have long waiting time?

We have the capacity to receive more patients and welcome referrals as well as inquiries and discussions about care agreements.

Patients with rectus diastasis?

We have many years of experience in investigating and assessing patients with persistent rectus diastasis after pregnancy. We have very good results and extensive experience of both training and surgery.


We have good experience of assessing and operating on patients from other county councils as well as international patients. We have well-functioning routines for follow-up with remote controls and collaboration with the local clinics.

Please contact us for more information.

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